Living With Eczema

After trying all the options below that included perscription steroid creams, isolating allergens, and over the counter medications, we finally found a system that worked to eliviate my two daughters eczema symptoms.
First, water aggravated their eczema so baths were cut down to two a week max. (agravated as in caused their eczema to welp up in painful blisters). Might not sound hygienic, but we used other ways to keep them clean. We also use
Collodial Oatmeal in the bath water as a softening agent.
Secondly, we found that the patterns of their eczema were seasonal. In summer it all but cleared up and in the fall, winter, spring it got significantly worse. Winter is by far the harshest season on their delicate skin. During these dry, cold months (we live in NH) I run a humidifier in their room all the time. They sleep about 12 hours a night so that way at least half the day they are in a moist environment. That one step helped significantly!!
Thirdly, after trying every product under the sun (yep.. All of them!) we found that The jelly (not cream based) hydrocortisone helps the best to calm severe breakouts. The trick is to constantly keep it moist and coated. I now keep it right by their bed so in the evening I can apply it to spots that have flared up.
Lastly, the final and best treatment to date we have found is Petroleum Jelly. I know, there are vast studies and opinions on petrolatum and it's origins. If we could avoid it, we would. But it's a necessary evil in our home. It works!! It coats, soothes, protects and moisturizers!
And most of all, my girls feel better and look better because of it. No more harsh, abrasive prescriptions or bloody, raw patches of skin. (not to mention, it is very inexpensive!) Originally we found Aquaphor. But is brutally expensive, especially with the quantity we needed to use on our girls. Arms, legs, backside, frontside. The whole body needs to be covered during the harsh winters. That adds up! Aquaphor is almost entire petrolatum, which is Petroleum jelly.
That is our 'cure'. Does it completely rid our girls of Eczema? No, but it has helped make it not the focus of our day. The only time we think about Eczema anymore is at bedtime, when are sure to slather up!
Hope that helps!